IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
user_ hello
Leopold хеллллллло
user_ are you serious? <-<
Leopold Yeeeeeey)
Leopold Hello C:
user_ howdy Leo? c;
Leopold I'm doing good :D
Leopold And you?)
user_ I'm procastinating (idk how to write it btw) ... I have to do my notes from what I learn of my sefl teaching stuff Dx
user_ the boring part
user_ xD mostly because I want to close like 30 tabs on my browser
Leopold You are procrastinaaating :D
Leopold Studying is suuuuuux CX
Leopold Just you should save important information from tabs C:
user_ yeah e-e ... "studying" hehe ... idk if I'm doing that part xD
user_ yes I'm only doing the notes part of studying... most cuz I dont want to open the F bowser, do a search, find the link, find the part/command in the page ...and all that dance
Leopold Sooooooo suckly :D
user_ everytime I forgot a thing or how to use a command
user_ but i dont have a method ... i only make .txt with info barely formated with tabs and spaces to look a bit good
user_ pretty spartan
user_ maybe I need to lear and memorize Markdown o something
Leopold Which commands you want to remeber about?)
Leopold You can create note in CherryTree for examole with name as "18.04.2023 browser tabs about ... " :D
user_ oh I kwon CherryTree c: , but I aiming basic linux tool.... I'm using nano xD
user_ yeah maybe it's too much hardcore
Leopold Lool)
Leopold Yup))
user_ It's because a punny .txt file it's very versatile (idk if is that word) / flexible/ simple
user_ u can open a .txt everywhere
user_ with everything
user_ and nano is everywhere also
Leopold punny?))
user_ no need to install another program
user_ punny (?) minuscule , insignificant, I mean to say , but not sure if is well saidDx
Leopold cute! :D
Leopold cute .txt file Looooool))
Leopold CX CX
user_ xD haha , the very humble .txt
Leopold Ахахаха :D
user_ you also don't need the ".txt" part c-:
user_ only for clarifications
Leopold It;s sooooo
user_ people say that I must learn Vim
Leopold I also use it as possible :)
Leopold Oooooooooo
user_ but i'm so lazzy xd
Leopold You need Emacs C:
Leopold Ahahah)
user_ oh Emacs vs Vim war xD
user_ Emacs it's very very powerfull
user_ (seems to me)
user_ :V I can't use youtube in my i2p machine , what's that?
user_ e-e hmmm do you know luke smith
Leopold You can setup outproxy from i2p
user_ tha bald guy
Leopold Ot you tube.i2p for exampple
Leopold vern.i2p maybe yet
user_ trying right now :D
Leopold Luke Smith ?)
Leopold I think so)
Leopold I have it :D
Leopold English stuff about techniq :D
user_ yes , linux videos, privacy , bare tools , ... and Vim
Leopold Yeey)
user_ soo much good people out here
Leopold Ахахаха C::
user_ vern.i2p it's dead to me :(
Leopold Look like so P:
user_ trying tube.i2p
user_ tube.i2p page loaded
Leopold Yeeea (:
user_ searching "artemislena"
Leopold It's invidious instance
Leopold One of many
user_ xDD only appears Hestia form Danmachi anime
Leopold Srach there "1jPmnDZ6ab8"
Leopold search*
Leopold Ahahah :D
user_ mmmh
user_ Delphi?
Leopold Nope!)
user_ Let's talk... ?
user_ ESPACIOD ?
user_ forgot to use it in the url xDDD
Leopold Ahaha C:
user_ don't work
Leopold Sux-sux ! :)
user_ it returns to main page
Leopold Let me seeee :D
user_ do you have JS enabled?
Leopold Nope ::D
Leopold I disable it of course C:
user_ me neither xD
user_ but thought maybe was that
user_ tell me the title of the video
user_ it's more easy c;
Leopold Richard Stallman as Saint IGNUcius (Emacs vs Vi)
user_ xDD Stallman mad guy
user_ seaching ...
user_ lol 2.6k transits tunnels on i2pd D:
Leopold Do your router is floodfil :D
user_ no no , I need this machine for other thing too, xD
user_ floodfil is suicide xD
Leopold When you found 2.5k transits then CX
user_ the only modification I made was set "O" to the bandwith and limit it to 95%
Leopold Ahah)
user_ idk what happen to be honest
user_ haha
user_ I hear the DDOS of January
user_ but only that
Leopold yup-yup...
user_ I use for curiosity I2P java in other times
user_ but no with the mentallity of learn the thing
user_ so , I'm a newbie here
Leopold Yeeee
Leopold Java i2p :)
Leopold O, welcome then :)
user_ I like i2pd more, but i2p i2p+ is cute too
user_ edit file to make config it's more confortable to me than browsing a console web page
user_ xD I feel lost
user_ Leopold , I'm afk right now, I need to have my daily ingest of precious nutrients for keep alive , see ya c:
Leopold Ja-ja!)
Leopold Oke CL
Opicaak Any updates on qBittorrent/libtorrent adding i2p support?
weko i hear whhs it is so
weko what*