IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
maxfry Привет
maxfry какая ветка стабильная / рабочая в i2pd git repo?
maxfry openssl или master?
maxfry хочу попробовать поэкспериментировать с кодом..
` <maxfry> какая ветка стабильная / рабочая в i2pd git repo?
` Всегда КРАЙНИЙ коммит
` А если у тебя КРАЙНИЙ коммит - то более стабильная/рабочая версия это ещё неопубликованный коммит
` Каждый коммит даёт буст +100500% к построению туннелей и скорости
` *** триггернулся ***
Anonymous orignal: post-quantum cryptorgraphy when? Did you test performance speed?
Anonymous Even Apple added post-quantum cryptography to iMessage
Anonymous There are 3 post-quantum encryption algorithms, Signal uses Crystals Kyber
` typical pindosian
relaybot 13apophis: galochka :)))
Anonymous AreEnn: ?
Anonymous AreEnn: sorry I meanr apophis
relaybot 13apophis: no, Galochka and apophis are different people.. physically
Anonymous apopohis what do you think about post-quantum cryptography, and what about it being added to i2pd?
Anonymous I am not yet aware exactly of it's performance
orignal openssl счас стабильная
Anonymous Blinded message
Anonymous orignal: I doubt openssl will add PQ encryption any time soon..
orignal отъебись
orignal иди деду мозги еби
Anonymous соси хуй, ты, членосос
` > apophis: no, Galochka and apophis are different people.. physically
` 12cm vs 8cm
relaybot 13apophis: > Anonymous: apopohis what do you think about post-quantum cryptography, and what about it being added to i2pd?
relaybot 13apophis: it is not my place to tell i2p devs on what to use. However, at this moment postquantum is an overkill
Anonymous I wasn't asking you to tell orignal to do it, just if it's like possible
Anonymous apophis overkill?
relaybot 13apophis: at this moment
Anonymous By breaking encryption, feds could fake routers by using their routerident because they broke encryption and got the private key, no?
Anonymous The more quantum bits you have, it's like squaring (2^2, 2^3 or <<)
relaybot 13apophis: > Anonymous: By breaking encryption, feds could fake routers by using their routerident because they broke encryption and got the private key, no?
relaybot 13apophis: maybe, ... but go and brake the current openssl. When you do that, write to me asap. I will personally award you.
Anonymous I think
Anonymous apophis #en?
relaybot 13apophis: yeah L:()
Anonymous Vort: oh hey you online