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stopMakinRefugees Hi all was looking at some code. What is the include "<boost/static_assert.hpp>" about?
stopMakinRefugees I followed the links to a "Prebuilt Android" library.
stopMakinRefugees What is it for exactly? The github repo didn't seem to make it clear.
orignal where is it in i2pd code?
orignal static assert is a compile time assert
orignal if a confition is not met compilation fails
stopMakinRefugees Its in the "Tag.h". Where are the open source files for it, I could not find them in the "PurpleI2P/Boost-for-Android-Prebuilt" MSGithub repo
stopMakinRefugees Maybe they are somewhere else?
orignal comment it out and that's it
orignal BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(sz % 8 == 0, "Tag size must be multiple of 8 bytes");
orignal what's the problem with it? it's there
stopMakinRefugees Thanks orignal. I'm struggling to get the Boost repo from M$G for some reason (been trying for a while to access via Internet Archive without success. Is it on an i2p git hat you know of?
stopMakinRefugees s/hat you/that you/
Vort did you tried these links?
stopMakinRefugees Vort thank you. :)
stopMakinRefugees To avoid Bloat I added only the hpp Boost files to a local folder that I need compile, but gcc is not using the folder. Would someone here be so kind as to spare me the pain of doing a search? 'man gcc'd over 11k lines and found '-lLibrary' and '-I dir' but both are not working for some reason.
stopMakinRefugees s/Bloat/bloat/
stopMakinRefugees I gotta rest. Peace out but hopefully I'll be spared from have to search the deadnet when i return. :)
stopMakinRefugees I havnt compiled stuff in a while. :)
orignal what are you trying to do?
stopMakinRefugees Bring together a little project in a way that will not overwhelm someone, bless Boost but its 700mb
stopMakinRefugees i2p related obviously
stopMakinRefugees Something in i2ptools that I'd like to roll out as its own little self contained thing.
orignal 700 mb of what?
orignal boost is huge but you don't need everything
stopMakinRefugees Exactly, I'm going through an recursively adding in the hpp's that are needed so a person can just get a little file, and not feel like they need a massive repo to do a small basic thing
orignal and what do you want from us?
un 700mb - this is odd
un Packages (2) boost-libs-1.83.0-2 boost-1.83.0-2
un Total Download Size: 16.70 MiB
un Total Installed Size: 187.18 MiB
stopMakinRefugees When I compile with gcc even with "-I boost/" I get "fatal error: boost/<xxxxxxxx>.hpp: No such file or directory"
un use -I .
un since it says error: boost/<xxxxxxxx>.hpp - see path already included
orignal you can't configure Makefile properly?
un other waise you should have boost/boost/*
stopMakinRefugees "fatal error: no input files" so a makefile will fix... I don't remember making makefiles
stopMakinRefugees if that'll do it that can be my job for later
orignal then we can't help
orignal this channel is about i2pd develoment only
orignal if you have a problem with building i2pd
orignal if you can't compile your app with boost it's your bsiness only
stopMakinRefugees Okay, where to talk about i2p ecosystem
un stopMakinRefugees, try dockerized i2pd if you failed to build it.
stopMakinRefugees No no I worked it out! It was "-I ." :D
stopMakinRefugees Thanks for your tip. This is i2p centric so don't feel too bad. Maybe the #en channel is better for general i2p things.
stopMakinRefugees Bye for now!
un no probs