IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
topodo im back.. there someone ?
weko topodo: ye
topodo he, hello weko, nice :-)
topodo is this channel is for general or just for i2p development ?
itsAMe <topodo>: the title says "i2pd development discussion". Not sure if questions about dev in general is outlawed though, haven't seen any other channel which is better suited
Vort development in general is offtopic here, but such discussions happens sometimes here
topodo i probably could create a general dev chanel on irc.postman.i2p, right ? since i2p changed to git a while ago, someone out of here would probably be able to link a branch to the correct commit..
topodo so as of git it is probably a good idea to ask here, idk..
topodo is someone gitfirm there ? i made a rebase for editing an old commit, kept the date, but since it gets a new hash or something, it linked the branch to another commit..
topodo now the commit on which the branch should be based on isone commit after the branching.
topodo on postman, they call dev i2p-dev, right ? one could set up a dev there for general dev, hmm.
topodo there is a dev channel, too, but its nots listed..
topodo Blinded message
tmp R4SAS: Hello?
Hypnosis чуркобесы набижале
topodo hello tmp
topodo oh it was for somone else..
topodo i have found a channel #C++. maybe i could ask about git there instead
Hypnosis topodo: this channel is for i2pd dev discussion, all other is offtopic
Hypnosis topodo: you could discuss on #en
orignal go to i2p-dev on Irc2P
orignal that seems the right place for you )))
R4SAS передайте этому tmp что либо пусть мыло пишет мне, либо нехер сбегать отсюда
relaybot 13apophis: tmp: email R4SAS or stay here until you see him. No other option is available
orignal да он уже сдристнул
AreEnn #git on Libera Chat is really where topodo should go
relaybot 13apophis: we all are going to the same place .. sooner or later...
AreEnn and, Hypnosis #en told them to come here. LOL
R4SAS orignal: на гх заглядывал?
orignal счас
orignal да нормально