IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Anonymous R4SAS, I can see you merged my patch or some version of it?
Vort я тоже заметил сходство :)
Vort ну главное, что программа становится лучше
orignal какое сходство?
Vort сходство вот этого коммита с предложениями Anonymous:
Anonymous I planned to re-make it or something, but long itme passed so I forgot what changes I wanted to make, I guess they're in logs somewhere
orignal а ну я его предложения не читаю ))
Anonymous Vort, yeah, that's what I'm talking about, but I use the I2P git site instead
Anonymous And I don't do Russian
orignal you should
Anonymous orignal, you took break or something? I was needlessly worried :/ I guess due to the attack timing
Anonymous When next release? I cannot wait for this shit to stop :)
Anonymous no pressure
Vort Anonymous: he announced his break
Anonymous how do you put pressure without putting pressure?
Anonymous Vort, I was away, weko told me
orignal I told you I was on vacation on Bora-Bora
orignal Next release is June 12
Anonymous what the fuck is Bora-Bora
Vort "major" logs can be used in such cases
orignal google it
Anonymous June 12th? I cannot wait!
Anonymous You got scheduled releases?
orignal yes June 12. Agreed with idk
Anonymous You guys sync or something?
R4SAS Anonymous: yes. your changes with some improvements
Anonymous What do you think of cgit? see #en if interested
R4SAS what is cgit?
Anonymous it's awesome
R4SAS whats wrong with gitea?
Anonymous It's bloated unusable shit on Links.
R4SAS ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Anonymous :( mean
Anonymous it shouldn't be too hard to set it up
Anonymous I don't think it even needs any setting up
Anonymous let me research maybe
Anonymous Like I'm pretty sure it's a static read-only thing
Anonymous also has caching
Anonymous Whoops I continued this in #en
R4SAS I don't really want to sit again with this
Anonymous It's okay. People should clone repositories anyways :)
Anonymous I get excited every time I come on IRC to chat because I love you guys and gals and all that you do
Anonymous So I get hyperactive and talk garbage
R4SAS I think better to find appropriate template for gitea
Anonymous What do you mean? I never hosted Gitea
Anonymous Not sure what you mean by template and if they would even helpP
Anonymous Because I got like 20 buttons all scatered around the screen on Links
Anonymous I cannot for the love of I2P find the "view diff raw" button lol
R4SAS I mean find beeter look frontend style (template)
Anonymous <Anonymous> is there a image-bin on I2P someone can recommend?
Anonymous I want to share with you
Anonymous how it looks for me
R4SAS cake.i2p
R4SAS 0xff.i2p
R4SAS privatebin.i2p using pbincli
R4SAS sharefile.i2p
Anonymous It is all scatered, but Gita is much better compared to GitHub I think
R4SAS that is something wrong with you links config
Anonymous Are you sure?
Anonymous I forgot to show the important thing
Anonymous that's showing the commit Vort linked to, mkay?
Anonymous I see no + - diff
Anonymous just a load of text
Anonymous On cgit not only does it act alike diff(1), but also highlights changes, so it's very sexy to view, and adds lines of code
R4SAS as I said, search for appropriate gitea template
R4SAS or just clone repo as always
Anonymous It's very simple, slic and hot
R4SAS I know
Anonymous If I can make diff(1) look that hot
Anonymous or combine it somehow with less(1)
Anonymous I'd like to know
Anonymous I recently started using less(1) more and modifying it
Anonymous But it does NOT work the same way on different OS-s
Anonymous for example on FreeBSD you have colors.
Anonymous On OpenBSD? no :)
R4SAS diff?
Anonymous So yeah.. I am a primitive vi/less/grep guy, what do you use, R4SAS ?
R4SAS not git diff?
Anonymous Yeah, the diff Unix utility
Anonymous R4SAS, I don't want to rely on Git's diff because 1. I hate Git and 2. it's not universal.
R4SAS use for what?
Anonymous I started my own version control system as another alternative to Git
Anonymous But my health went poor right when I got to the best part: it working
Anonymous R4SAS, developement
Anonymous programming
Anonymous efficiency
R4SAS diff --color -u <file1> <file2> | less ???
R4SAS dev/prog using notepad
Anonymous > diff --color
Anonymous diff: unrecognized option `--color'
Anonymous Lol notepad
R4SAS 3.4 version is required
Vort не совсем понимаю, зачем заморачиваться поддержкой текстового режима
Anonymous Pretty sure this diff is FreeBSD-specific
Anonymous Not a GNU one
Anonymous Also pretty sure the OpenBSD one is also colorless and boring ._.
R4SAS diff -v ?
Anonymous I remember diff having colors
Anonymous I used in past
R4SAS Vort: не говори
Anonymous git diff seems nice, but not universal, again
Anonymous and it drops you into less(1) or something similar to less
R4SAS I dont have issues with it
Anonymous GNU/Linux?
R4SAS with git stuff
Anonymous Git is shit
Anonymous I once used the proxy thing
Anonymous it did NOT proxy
R4SAS btw you can use colordiff
Anonymous -_- torsocks worked better
Anonymous no such thing xD
R4SAS that only means that you messed up as always
Anonymous R4SAS, bruh no
R4SAS I use git with socks5
Anonymous Git is waaay too complicated
Anonymous For what it should be
Anonymous it's like
Anonymous and should be deprecated as is
R4SAS even if git is too complicated, no one requires from you to use all things provided by it
R4SAS I use only: pull, push, rebase, diff, commit, stash
Anonymous But still..
Anonymous I don't know how to explain it
Anonymous I will when I resume my SAFVCS project
Anonymous But I despise Git
Anonymous I hate the fuck out of it
Anonymous It's a spaghetti mess
Anonymous > 37 # ANSI sequences for colours < I'll steal these color sets hihihi
Anonymous At least something useful even if I won't use it
orignal думаю поднять число флудфилов без проверок до 1500
Anonymous Seems nice but I'd have to learn a little of Perl and check the code in order to use it well RIP
weko orignal: выглядит так что логика неверна, если приходится увеличивать
weko потому что должно один раз провериться и больше не уменьшаться по этой причине
weko там случаем на сбрасывается щас тот параметр в профилировании?
orignal нееее
orignal когда поработает некоторое время все в порядке
weko ну да. 1000 же хватает и так
orignal вопрос то про старт с нуля
weko с нуля там должно по умолчанию считаться годным
weko с ресида когда пришло
weko а дальше потихоньку проверяя получаем новые подтверждённые флудфилы
weko в итоге эта константа даже не понадобится
weko в идеале должно быть так
orignal но то в идеале
orignal на практике же набирает 1000 и потом стоит
R4SAS а зачем увеличивать?
Anonymous and then pipe colordiff to less -R it seems, so you basically get git-diff(1)
orignal смысле чтобы примерно соотвествовало числу реальных флудфилов
Anonymous or just do this
Anonymous diff a b | perl -lpe 'if(/^</){$_ = "\e[1;31m$_\e[0m"} elsif(/^>/){$_ = "\e[1;34m$_\e[0m"}'
Anonymous I love one-liners
R4SAS diff -u ?
Anonymous replace < > with - +
Anonymous I just summarized 600+ lines into 1
Anonymous Well.. someone did and I just made it compatible with the -u option :D
Anonymous perl -lpe 'if(/^-/){$_ = "\e[1;31m$_\e[0m"} elsif(/^+/){$_ = "\e[1;34m$_\e[0m"}'
Anonymous Now steal colordiff's color sequences :D
Anonymous 37 # ANSI sequences for colours
Anonymous 38 my %colour;
Anonymous 39 $colour{white} = "\033[1;37m";
Anonymous 40 $colour{yellow} = "\033[1;33m";
Anonymous 41 $colour{green} = "\033[1;32m";
Anonymous 42 $colour{blue} = "\033[1;34m";
Anonymous 43 $colour{cyan} = "\033[1;36m";
Anonymous 44 $colour{red} = "\033[1;31m";
Anonymous 45 $colour{magenta} = "\033[1;35m";
Anonymous 46 $colour{black} = "\033[1;30m";
Anonymous 47 $colour{darkwhite} = "\033[0;37m";
Anonymous 48 $colour{darkyellow} = "\033[0;33m";
Anonymous 49 $colour{darkgreen} = "\033[0;32m";
Anonymous 50 $colour{darkblue} = "\033[0;34m";
Anonymous 51 $colour{darkcyan} = "\033[0;36m";
Anonymous 52 $colour{darkred} = "\033[0;31m";
Anonymous 53 $colour{darkmagenta} = "\033[0;35m";
Anonymous 54 $colour{darkblack} = "\033[0;30m";
Anonymous 55 $colour{off} = "\033[0;0m";
weko <~orignal> смысле чтобы примерно соотвествовало числу реальных флудфилов
weko ох уж эта подгонка ))
orignal ну надо быть реалистами ))
orignal 1500 поэтому вполне разумное значение
weko ну в идеале подгонки не должно быть
weko bytes 44-47: request time (in minutes since the epoch, rounded down)
weko а зачем это?
weko ну типо минута отверки TDM
weko TDM*
weko TBM*
weko отправки
orignal чтобы replay не было
weko тоесть?
weko чтобы нельзя было не перешифровав заспамить?
weko иль как
weko NOTE: Implementations must round to the nearest second to prevent clock bias in the network.
weko хех, а если кто то не будет соблюдать))