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ian ok great, thanks again :)
orignal ian please grab lates version of i2pd and gostcoin.i2p/apitest.cpp
orignal more clear code with sync oprations
orignal до кучи вычистил этом дурацкий код хаген в addressbook
ian original: I can receive from http website (its working on windows). How can I publish http website now? So it works both ways. Can you give me a sample code with those functions please?
orignal publishing is more complicated
orignal either you have to link against libi2pd_client and use I2PServerTunnelHTTP
orignal or if you want to do it youself there and use method AcceptStreams of ClientDestination
orignal once an incoming stream come that acceptor will be invoked and you can start reading data from that stream
orignal so, all sample code it inside I2pServerTunnelHTTP in I2PTunnel.cpp
crcr23 original: Understood, I'll try doing it. Thanks.
crcr23 connected on my laptop on here, it's still me ian btw.
ian localDest = std::make_shared<i2p::client::RunnableClientDestination>(keys, true, &params);
ian myServerTunnel = std::make_unique<i2p::client::I2PServerTunnel>("i2priceservice", "", 1337, localDest);
ian myServerTunnel->Start();
ian Hi original I hope you are doing well. Is that the wrong way to run server tunnel? I'm getting Local destiation doesn't exist, dropped errors in console log.
ian it looks like the b32 address, isn't registered on the network, registering?
orignal linked libi2pd_client?
orignal you have to maintain dests in ClientContext
orignal you must initialize it and run
ian Yes I linked the .a lib in cmake file.
orignal look at ClientContext::LoadTunnels
orignal it will give you an idea how you should create such tunnels
orignal or look at SAM.cpp
orignal how they are created through ClientConetext
orignal back to you problem maybe you server tunnel didn't build tunnels
orignal and can't publish it's LeaseSet
orignal e.g. you have to wait for a while
crcr23 okay I see thanks again, I think I didn't create it correctly, I see in ClientContext file now. I'll also try to wait a while to see if the error doesn't happen.
orignal you should look into log about publishing LeaseSets
orignal if it was successive or nort
ian 16:26:29@196/info - Garlic: LeaseSet update confirmed
ian 16:26:31@196/error - I2PTunnel: Connect error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
ian original: thanks I think it's working now, but what the second error means? I didn't add more code after start(), I need to add acceptstream etc?
ian I started local destination first, then sleep 40 sec, then started server tunnel, and it looks working now, but I don't know what the second error means.
Orion всё же вылетел. Лог за последние 20 минут работы
crcr23 original: for AcceptStreams(), I need to pass a stream, its from CreateStream with the destination address? I understood your client code, but for server side I don't understand how to do the AcceptStreams.
Orion наверное из-за openssl 3.2. В логе ядра ошибка Nov 9 17:18:02 kernel: [233737.393967] SSU2[1848]: segfault at 7fa44403d020 ip 00007fa4574f4ba7 sp 00007fa44fffe2a0 error 4 in[7fa4572b3000+324000]
orignal так не лог надо а стек
orignal crcr23 for AcceptStream you must pass a functor that taked stream as param
orignal look at SAM.cpp how it works