IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal I think you pass a refernece to io_service and it dies right after
orignal use RunnableClientDestination
orignal local destination contains own io_service
ian original: I checked and priv keys etc are loaded correctly, but some of the libi2pd threads seem to crash randomly giving "terminate called without an active exception". How can I debug this with gdb if there is no exception? I added debug point and checked everything but no real error.
ian Sometimes it runs long time, sometimes it crash instantly
ian btw
ian I tried many things, disabling RTTI so that it doesn't give warning about RTTI symbol not found also.
orignal <orignal> use RunnableClientDestination
orignal try to catch std::exception in main
ian Okay I'll try that soon and yeah I'm using RunnableClientDestination now correctly
orignal maybe I will try myself when I have time
orignal maybe something is broken
postsolarpunk_hypn something is bro
orignal I didn't try it for 5 years
ian original: sorry I was outside. I tried try catch with std::exception but no error in std::cout. Same error about without exception as before. I'm using mingw on windows with msys2 gcc etc even openssl from msys2. It's a thread that crashes in libi2pd, so I don't know how to fix it really.
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, does gdb exist under msys2? you could take a core file and bt full
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, orignal normally knows a lot when has backtrace from gdb
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, or you could install linux into vm or bare hardware and create a trace with that
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, if msys2 doesn't support corefiles and gdb
ian postsolarpunk_hypn, hmm yeah maybe I'll try it in a linux vm instead, since its easier to debug there too thanks.
ian postsolarpunk_hypn, I was using gdb in clion ide with msys gcc in settings. I'll take a look about what you said to take core file and bt full.
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, you could do a screenshot of a stack window instead of gdb bt
postsolarpunk_hypn if you have a debugger
postsolarpunk_hypn ian, however you need to catch the exception early
postsolarpunk_hypn right where it gets thrown
postsolarpunk_hypn or otherwise...
orignal probably you should try linux
orignal windows is kinda specific thing
orignal plus there are bugs in compiler
ian kk thanks for the help, Yeah theres compiler bugs on windows. I'll try on linux.
postsolarpunk_hypn orignal, в вот эту бадягу пытаюсь наняться компилятор писать, хз мож пошлют нах
postsolarpunk_hypn прикольно было б жир с мозгов проветрить
relaybot 13jiigen: Any hope to see some developer fix libtorrent ( ) I2P support? That library is used by two very popular bittorrent client qbittorrent and deluge among others and would be cool to be able to use them with i2pd...
relaybot 13fj: jiigen, interesting idea.
relaybot 13fj: little chances i would do it though.
ian original: I think it's broken. Samething happens on libi2pd in Ubuntu vm, with the simple intialization code you helped me with, it creates the tunnel at end but still seg faults on linux.
ian original: I uploaded strace log on privnote if you can see it:
ian I can upload it to another place too if you don't visit that site
orignal since you have core file
orignal gimme the stack
orignal I will try myself later
orignal a little busy now
ian Okay thanks alot bro, take your time :)
orignal so will you porvide a stack trace?
whothefuckami A stack trace in c++?
whothefuckami std::stacktrace or smth else?
orignal gdb i2pd core
whothefuckami I mean I heard of backtrace
orignal it will tell you stakc trace
orignal if you have core fiel
orignal we always do it
whothefuckami Coredump?
polistern After crash you can found core file in i2pd home directory, /var/lib/i2pd/core, for example.
ian original: sorry for taking time. Here is the output of gdb myapp core:
orignal type where
orignal if you see ??? only
orignal compile with -g
ian ah okay, ill try again with -g
orignal looks like you didn't do C/C++ development before
ian I used c++ but years ago bro, so I wanted to use your api to start again
ian compiled with -g but still #13 0x0000000000000000 in ?? (), I need libi2pd compiled in debug for it to give stack trace?
ian okay I see, I'll recompile libi2pd with debug too
orignal compile with -g
ian that's where output of core dumb
ian sorry, I'm not an expert bro
ian dump*
orignal very good
orignal that's all I needed
ian ah okay thanks alot hahaha
orignal I will try myself and fix
orignal SSU is enf of life anyway
ian kk, but take your time, thanks for helping it's appreciated alot
orignal need to replace by SSU2
ian kk, I see
orignal in api
ian original: what's your btc wallet bro? I got 0.00344 btc for you donation
ian since you helped me already
ian it's little but I'll try donate more in few months also
orignal thank you
orignal the one from github
R4SAS лол
R4SAS Routers: 7462 Floodfills: 1606 LeaseSets: 175
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 64 Transit Tunnels: 5001
R4SAS кто то тонны транзитных туннелей создает
orignal а поток какой?
R4SAS 190 кб
R4SAS в том то дело
orignal тогда правда странно
R4SAS норм
R4SAS Uptime: 12 days, 20 hours, 23 minutes, 55 seconds
R4SAS Network status: OK
R4SAS Tunnel creation success rate: 55%
R4SAS Received: 1900.17 GiB (2511.20 KiB/s)
R4SAS Sent: 1903.95 GiB (2648.22 KiB/s)
R4SAS Transit: 1897.67 GiB (2436.51 KiB/s)
R4SAS Routers: 5484 Floodfills: 1692 LeaseSets: 0
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 30 Transit Tunnels: 2329
orignal а что v6 нету?
R4SAS это тестовый
R4SAS там 2 с ним, и 2 без него
orignal SSU2 надеюсь?
R4SAS да
R4SAS там всё сразу
R4SAS для транзита
orignal делаю изменение выбора траспорта
orignal будет выбираться случайно и возможно говенный транспорты в профилях маркироватьсяч
R4SAS обновляю все свои до транка с последним фиксом
orignal вроде пока не падает
R4SAS забавно
R4SAS перезапускал рег
R4SAS а он у меня в мультихоминге
R4SAS после запуска сразу же пошел смотреть на туннель - через 15 секунд уже лизсеты появляются
R4SAS и все же, надо перенести морду в порядке запуска выше
R4SAS чтобы она раньше запускалась
orignal зачем?