IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
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orignal SSU2: SessionRequest token mismatch. Retry
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Darkdik Is there an established way to conceal the use of I2P? Someone asks
Darkdik Tor has bridges which people are made into thinking that those hide them from ISPs lol
orignal no bridges in I2P
Darkdik You idiot
Darkdik bakka!
Darkdik Does our ISPs know we use I2P
Darkdik Shit like recognition from the port we use or something
Darkdik IDK I dumb
Darkdik I have a feeling we talked about this already, but I forgot
orignal no they don't
orignal it's not detectable
orignal just like some p2p traffic
Darkdik Cool I guess
Darkdik They say this
Darkdik > wgreenhouse> lmao
Darkdik <wgreenhouse> > implying p2p traffic isn't detectable when ISPs have throttled it for 20+ years
Darkdik <wgreenhouse> also very i2p-like to do nothing about a large potential problem adjacent to their usecase and declare victory
orignal also i2pd can work over yggdrasil
orignal that looks like a single TCP connection for ISP
orignal and not p2p traffic
orignal and people use it a lot
Darkdik Yggdrashil is written in Go ;( is there no alternative?
Darkdik Exactly
Darkdik I wonder how compilcated Yggdrasil's code is
Darkdik Perhaps one could replicate it
Darkdik But it's the lower-end of the internet protocol stack, right?
Darkdik > Perhaps one could replicate it < in C
R4SAS Darkdik: do it yourself
Darkdik Maybe, probably too big for me, at least for now
Darkdik Does Yggdrasil require an router?
Darkdik Or just an antenna? Lmao
Darkdik Like it obviously doesn't need the modem, right? That's for the internet
Darkdik and router for multiple connections
Darkdik I meant switch.. I'm tired
R4SAS > - do it yourself
R4SAS > - i tired
R4SAS all speak as always
` #JustDoIt
Darkdik > <R4SAS> all speak as always < Better that than starting something I'll regret :P
Darkdik Maybe after I finish my text editor