IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
WebClient39 у илиты есть xmpp серв?
orignal xmpp.ilita.i2p кэп
WebClient39 есть гайды как туда подключиться?
WebClient39 а какой там пороль?
orignal при первом подключении задаешь сам
Darkdik Is there anything like Zeronet, but for I2P?
Darkdik Like I see websites being down
` RetroShare :(
Darkdik If they were shared like torrents - that wouldn't really happeN
Darkdik I don't think that RetroShare has that, and if it did - I don't want something like that, I think. I don't want 1 program for everything.
Darkdik I want 100 programs for 100 things
` Словесник-Былинник, closed custom work?
` :)
Darkdik IPFS is written in Go, thus - no thanks
` Извечный русский вопрос: В или На?) /offtopic
` не читать "в GO" :\
` (или как к этому привыкнуть) /offtopic
Словесник-Былинник yes, Go is fucked. Never use Ethereum also . it is on Go.
Darkdik What, seriously? Lol
Darkdik Tried once
Darkdik GPU went HoT
Словесник-Былинник wow.. you are compromised !!!
Darkdik All capitalism sucks, but crypto-currencies such as Monero suck less
Darkdik were compromised*
Словесник-Былинник hopefully not at the back door :)
Darkdik Geth??
Darkdik let's move to #en ?
Словесник-Былинник no.. today is a party day. no serious discussions
Словесник-Былинник Gay parade soon, are u going ?
Darkdik I wish
Словесник-Былинник finally .. a few real men here
Darkdik Pride... sounds weird
Словесник-Былинник this is the name of game parade in canada
Darkdik Do like the God's messiah Terry Davis did xD
Darkdik Whops wrong chat
Darkdik I hope no violence happens :d
` Why no?
` But BDSM..
Darkdik BDSM = violence someone likes, it ok
Darkdik Rape can be ok, too, if no violence happens, just look at Japan
Darkdik Japan lots of rapey-rapey, but none get physically hurt
` Without violence not so fun :(
` fun/horny
Darkdik > `> Without violence not so fun :( < Don't be stupid. Someone might hurt you in return
Darkdik And why hurt others for fun?
Darkdik You value your fun over other's well being? :(
` My grandfather is Hitler.
` -_-
` Family's blood, you know.
Darkdik I don't trust history
Словесник-Былинник living nicely in argentina
Darkdik There's more to "Treat others how you want to be treated" than one's brain initially understands
Словесник-Былинник it is a fair exchange of responsibilities model
Словесник-Былинник unless u have travelled extensively all over... u can not be sure that it is not flat
Darkdik I don't have time for everything
Darkdik Agreed
Словесник-Былинник no one does .. time is an asset we can not forge... like money :)
Darkdik YOU cannot forge money, some people can
Словесник-Былинник have to know intaglio printing and chemistry a little bit
Словесник-Былинник but i am not using it much :)
Словесник-Былинник got money by birth .. old money :) why bother with the counterfeit ?
Словесник-Былинник u can not deposit that much into a bank if u got it in cash these days
Словесник-Былинник useless, but as a process itself .. it is quite interesting
Словесник-Былинник got u thinking ... speculating even .. maybe
Darkdik Sorry got work to do
Darkdik Related to I2P kek
ovril Firefox убил технологию ESNI? Или как?