IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
exokinetic XD is pretty underwhelming so far >.<
exokinetic averaging 2-3KBps
exokinetic going to give i2psnark a test next...
exokinetic hmmm, new crash to report:
exokinetic crashed at some point after I shut down XD
exokinetic had not tried i2psnark yet
HidUser0 R4SAS мне кажется или нетсплит уходить не хочет
HidUser0 Интересно почему трафик через ацетона не идет
acetone HidUser0: потому что лосяра совсем упал) Connection reset by peer
HidUser0 лол
R4SAS acetone: ты прицепился ко мне*
R4SAS а хотя да, автоматом должно
R4SAS сейчас попробую глянуть чего там у него
WayBest Лося накрыли?))
R4SAS наверно тачка ребутнулась
R4SAS ага, так и есть
R4SAS orignal: потом проверь чего там еще надо запустить, у тебя тачку ребутнули
acetone R4SAS: у меня с тобой линк по умолчанию) это к лосю надо руками цепляться
R4SAS ага
zzz orignal, you had a I2CP question for me?
orignal zzz, yes
orignal I receive a new session with new id bu existing address. what should I do?
orignal R4SAS ygg надо было
orignal знаю что ребутнули
orignal переделал
zzz orignal, we just send a disconnect message "duplicate destination"
orignal to new or to old?
zzz you could send a session status message before that with INVALID or REFUSED... we don't do that
zzz to the new one
orignal that's what I don't do
orignal will change
orignal and that causes that problem with bunch of dests
zzz also, of course, when an old socket disconnects, clean it up... maybe you have a problem there also
orignal I do it
orignal but it doen't disconnect
orignal it looks like Vuze is trying to connect even old session exists
zzz even if socket just closes without a disconnect message
orignal I catch this situation
zzz ok, good
orignal anyway I will fix that part
orignal thanks
zzz no problem, good test reports by exokinetic
zzz you might also want to see if you have the same issue in SAM or BOB
orignal definitly not
orignal I know I chek it in SAM
orignal not sure about BOB
exokinetic zzz> you might also want to see if you have the same issue in SAM or BOB -after some testing with XD, at least for me, SAM does not exhibit the same issue as i2cp
orignal it doesn't because it checks
eternalchaoticexplosion паблик домейн!
eternalchaoticexplosion я крч новый гёте и это будет мой фауст.exe
eternalchaoticexplosion и да он коллаборативный