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R4SAS orignal: ты таргет верно указал?
R4SAS иначе хз
orignal счас
orignal Atheros ATH79
orignal профиль TP-Link Archer C7 v2
orignal в Network i2pd что ли сделать модулем?
R4SAS да
R4SAS должен стоять флаг M
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R4SAS save
R4SAS и как и в прошлый раз запусти компиляцию
orignal сохранил
orignal что именнро.
orignal только i2pd или все?
R4SAS make package/i2pd/compile -j4 V=sc
R4SAS только
R4SAS остальное если таргет верно был выбрал уже не надо делать
orignal что то деает
R4SAS он должен сейчас собрать zlib
R4SAS openssl
R4SAS boost
orignal что то с бустом
R4SAS и потом уже сам ш2зв соберется
orignal тащит ш2зв
orignal пошел i2pd собирать
R4SAS блин, как же долго гнус собирается
orignal собралось
orignal лежить в bin/packages/mips_24kc/packages
R4SAS ага
orignal там кроме ip2d еще буст
R4SAS но ты можешь и в роутере накатить его
R4SAS если версия такая же
R4SAS наконец то собрало тулчейн...
R4SAS я до этого не верно пересобрал для 21.02.1
orignal а на роутер то как закинуть и куда?
R4SAS как как
R4SAS через морду
R4SAS system > software
R4SAS upload package в шапке
orignal понял
orignal только i2pd или буст тоже?
orignal а запуск как?
R4SAS попробуй только ш2зв
R4SAS запустится сам
R4SAS если все нормально
orignal завтра попробую
R4SAS в кайнем случае через ссш
orignal а как потом убрать?
R4SAS из автозапуска?
orignal ну да
orignal если я не хочу больше запускать
R4SAS system - startup
R4SAS так же и стопнуть можно
orignal а полностьб удалить как?
R4SAS system - software - installed
orignal попробую
R4SAS orignal: единственная проблема, с которой ты столкнешся при тестах это то что ш2зв не запустится после установки
R4SAS проблема с правами на конфиги, которые в /etc/i2pd распаковываются
R4SAS поэтому chmod 644 /etc/i2pd.conf /etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf
R4SAS и проблема решена
R4SAS потом service i2pd start как обычно
orignal понял
R4SAS хотя я догадываюсь в чем дело...
R4SAS сейчас попробую проверить
exokientic Hello i2pd dev's!
exokientic I have been quite impressed by the performance of this router, using it mostly for **suprise** torrenting
exokientic I have been playing around with it for a little over a month now, and have managed to get 10 days straight of uptime between graceful shutdowns (random config changes)
exokientic I have sysmetrical 1Gbps ISP service (fiber) and I want to contribute as much of that to the network as possible...
exokientic But I have run into a bit of a snag
exokientic After 10 days of stable uptime, I gracefuly shutdown the i2pd router and made some =hardware= network changes, speficially I 'upgraded' to a new gateway router/ firewall
exokientic I took out an ASUS rt-n66u and replaced it with a MikroTik hEX rb750gr3 (RouterBOARD)
exokientic I configured the new router "exactly" the same as the old router (well as much as is possible, this MikroTik RouterOS operating system is.... massive, there is possibly some configuration hiding in there that is causing my new issues)
exokientic ISP assigns IP automatically, so WAN settings are pretty simple
exokientic DHCP server enabled, using the same IP range and subnet as the old router
exokientic no VPN of any kind in the mix
exokientic firewall rule inserted to allow TCP/UDP over my super secret i2pd listen port
exokientic (and the firewall works, I have started i2pd with the new MikroTik router before I did the port forwarding and i2pd web console complained about the firewall -after inserting the appropriate firewall rule to forward the port; i2pd Network Status: OK)
exokientic So, i2pd running, new MikroTik router installed in my home network... everything seems good
exokientic The router seems to be building way more client tunnels with the new MikroTik...
exokientic I used to sit around ~40 client tunnels and ~1300 transit tunnels
exokientic now ~500 client tunnels and ~1300 transit tunnels
exokientic Then, the next day, I go to check on the router stats, and the web console page is down...
exokientic I check 'systemctl status i2pd.service'
exokientic (perhaps I should fill in a little bit about the installation environment...)
exokientic I have i2pd installed on a raspberry pi model 1B, the later version with 512mb of ram
exokientic latest current raspbian lite OS (debian fork, lite version -no desktop, console only) -fully updated
exokientic i2pd installed using apt-get
zlatinb hey exokientic
zlatinb glad you found this channel
zlatinb for the record, here is the original topic http://zzz.i2p/topics/3225-debugging-assistance
exokientic thank you!
exokientic yes, I have been posting this issue on zzz.i2p
exokientic thank you for directing me over here!
exokientic SO then, here is my output from 'systemctl status i2pd.service'
exokientic raspberrypi systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=7/BUS
exokientic raspberrypi systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
exokientic systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Consumed 6h 8min 49.784s CPU time.
exokientic raspberrypi systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Consumed 6h 8min 49.784s CPU time.
exokientic So, I have been doing some testing on the raspberry pi to see if perhaps it was a configuration on the pi that was misbehaving
exokientic I had yggdrasil running on the same device, and had meshnets enabled in my i2pd.config (as well as ipv6)
exokientic So I disabled ygg
exokientic turned off meshnets
exokientic turned off ipv6
exokientic no luck
exokientic still get the SIGBUS kernel fualt
exokientic interestingly
exokientic almost EVERY SINGLE TIME it has happened in testing, it takes about 12-14 hours of total router uptime (real-time)
exokientic but, if you look at the "CPU time" from the systemctl status output, the process runs for 6 hours and 30 minutes +/- 15 minutes before the SIGBUS fualt
exokientic that is like 10 times in a row
exokientic quite odd that it runs that long, and at nearly EXACTLY the same amount of proc time it halts
exokientic someone on zzz.i2p noticed clock skew complaints in my /var/log/i2pd/i2pd.log logfile, so I attempted to changed my defualt NTP servers from the debian ones to googles ones with no change at all;
exokientic I still see the clock skew complaints in the logs, but at the warn level, not the error level, and my Network Status entry on the web console page does not complain about Clock Skew...
exokientic i2pd still fails @6hrs 30 mins of CPU time
exokientic checking the debian system logs around the time of the failure
exokientic and I see these entries that will have the EXACT SAME timestamp as the router failure, or 1 second pre-failure:
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.551063] Alignment trap: not handling instruction e1932f9f at [<001d01a8>]
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.551087] 8<--- cut here ---
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.556478] Unhandled fault: alignment exception (0x011) at 0x0001001d
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.564910] pgd = ec1a6260
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.569216] [0001001d] *pgd=03861831, *pte=1b92e18d, *ppte=00000000
exokientic now, I found a post on github circa 2016 with that EXACT SAME set of log entries!
exokientic Dec 25 09:04:44 raspberrypi kernel: [54718.569216] [0001001d] *pgd=03861831, *pte=1b92e18d, *ppte=00000000
exokientic oops... paste errror
exokientic as I understand it, this is an "alignement issue"
exokientic and relates to misaligned memory access when running linux on ARM architectures
exokientic given my little raspberry pi runs on an ARM7 processor, this seems to make sense
exokientic I just dont understand why changing my network gateway router/ firewall would express this issue....???
exokientic Now, I am not 100% certain that it is the MikroTik router that is "causing" this to happen;
exokientic In about 2 hours I am going to switch BACK to the asus router, and fire everything back up as a test
exokientic If it runs for 24-36 hours with no SIGBUS fualt then I can be "reasonably" sure that the change in physical router hardware =is= not only correlated to my issue, but somehow causal.
exokientic over on zzz.i2p, one of the posters that directed me over here suggested I should do this:
exokientic "I suggest you build from source with debug symbols enabled, then when the router shuts down look for a core dump file. The devs can analyze it and should be able to guide you further."
exokientic furether, it was mentioned..
exokientic "The best person to tell you how to build from source is orignal, and the best place is the #dev channel on the irc.ilita.i2p server."
exokientic hence, here I am!
exokientic I have only built a few packages from source before, and I did so following others instructions explicitly :D
exokientic so, I am willing and able, but not exactly and "expert" when it comes to such things
exokientic Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
exokientic Thank you for everything you have dedicated to this project!
zlatinb but I don't know which flag to pass to enable debug symbols
zlatinb probably -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
exokientic thanks!
exokientic I'll start reading it over
exokientic aaaaan I'm back >.<
R4SAS if i2pd was installed from our repo, there i2pd-dbgsym package is available too
exokientic what is the i2pd-dbgsym package?
R4SAS exokientic: package with debug symbols for gdb
Словесник-Былинник тубик ???? где ты ?
Словесник-Былинник пройди голосование :)
Словесник-Былинник да... фг ты на хмпп
Словесник-Былинник кстыати почему не пишешь на хмпп ? молчишь все
AVATARJFVULGARDISPLAYOFPOWER там полторы калеки потому что ты не рекламишь чат